Monday, April 13, 2015

Archbishop L J Guillory Elated That John Legend Has Joined The Campaign To End Mass Incarceration

I am elated to know that this powerful young man has joined our Campaign. As, we need all the help that we can get!
I was even more elated to know that John will be in Texas on Thursday to talk with Texas Public officials regarding the incarceration in America; and the 'Free America' Campaign!
We, (Ombudsman International) have purchased a former "Colored High School" in East Texas to Transform it into a College for First Time Offenders and At-Risk Youth. I want to hear from all person(s) wanting to help in this most worthy Project. www.SaveAmericaFoundation.Org (202) 241-1506 Bishop L J Guillory Ombudsman General Ombudsman National / International